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Is Salt Added To Water During Softening?

Maintain Efficient Water Softeners In The Phoenix, AZ, Metropolitan Area

Water softening systems are a common solution for Arizona households dealing with hard water issues. High water hardness can lead to a variety of problems, from soap scum and appliance damage to dry skin and hair.

Many homeowners turn to water softeners to combat these effects, but a frequently asked question is: Does a water softener add salt to drinking water? At AquaZona, we believe it’s important to clarify how these systems operate. Trust our local water specialists to address concerns about salt in softened water.

Do Water Softeners Add Sodium To Drinking Water?

Water softeners add sodium to drinking water, but the amount is relatively small. The level introduced depends on the efficiency of the softener and the hardness of the water. The harder the water, the more sodium is required to soften it. However, the addition is generally small and considered safe for most individuals.

For example, in moderately hard water, the amount of sodium added by a softener is about the same as the sodium content in a slice of bread. While it’s true that softened water contains some sodium, it’s important to understand that it’s not the same as adding table salt to your water. It also should be noted that some softeners, like Kinetico, use much less sodium to operate.

Is Softened Water Salty?

Many homeowners often question, “Does a water softener make water taste salty?” The short answer is no. While softened water does contain sodium, it doesn’t have the same salty characteristics you would expect from seawater or highly salty foods. The sodium content in softened water is minimal and typically not enough to affect taste.

However, if you’re on a low-sodium diet or concerned about your intake, you can opt for potassium chloride in your water softener. This alternative works similarly but replaces the hard minerals with potassium. This process helps eliminate intake concerns without sacrificing water quality.

What You Can Do To Minimize Sodium In Softened Water

One of the best ways to reduce sodium in your drinking water while still enjoying the benefits of softened water is by pairing your water softener with a reverse osmosis filtration system. Reverse osmosis (RO) filters are highly effective at removing chlorine, sodium and various impurities from your drinking water supply.

This pairing ensures the benefits of both systems: soft water that protects your water-using appliances alongside clean, great-tasting water. This combination offers an efficient solution for your water needs.

Causes Of Salty-Tasting Water

A properly functioning water softener shouldn’t affect your water’s flavor. However, if you do notice a salty taste in your water, this could indicate a problem with your water-softening system and you should have it inspected.

AquaZona specializes in servicing Kinetico water systems, ensuring they operate with utmost efficiency.

Understanding Softened Water With AquaZona

At AquaZona, we aim to help homeowners make informed decisions about their water systems. If you’re concerned about sodium levels, pairing your water softener with an RO filter is an excellent solution for quality water.

Since 1987, AquaZona has been a leading provider of water softeners in Phoenix and surrounding communities. For more information on our effective Kinetico water systems, contact us today!

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Your Local Water Softening and Drinking Water Specialist
Tucson, AZ
1870 W Prince Rd Suite #7
Tucson, AZ 85705
Phoenix, AZ
3304 N Delaware St. Chandler
AZ 85225